Sunday, 10 July 2011

Expedition Dairy

Acclimatisation 14/06/11:

Our briefing meeting to Major B on the Acclimatisation day
We arrived in the vicinity of Hay on Wye at 2:00 pm but because of Os's navigating skills, or lack of them, we were lost for about one hour.

When we arrived at the planned launch area we were unable to launch because the privately owned land did not allow launching in the area. (See photo below), so we went and launched from Checkpoint 1 – because of access issues we can't launch tomorrow until 10 am.
The sign that met us as we tried to get on the river on the first day

We did some practicing such a ferrygliding, spotting and breaking in and out of Eddies.  Then we went to the hotel bunkhouse rooms and went through and packed our kit correctly for tomorrow.

Will Paddling solo

Day One 15/06/11:

Kiran and Os certainly not tensing their muscles for the camera.

Woke up at hotel at 7.00 am had breakfast at 8.00 am and Al managed to use up one loo roll blowing his nose.  We set off at a 10.00 am and I am writing this at 1.30 pm whilst having lunch.   
A nice spot for lunch on the bank of the river

Our hot drinks break on the centre pier of this bridge

We continued and eventually had a break on the pier of a bridge (see photo above). Just below the bridge we found this sign (below) showing that access on some of the banks of the river is "Strictly" prohibited.

In an interview with a fisherman he had a positive response. “There is enough river for both groups of people to share" and the farmer who owned our camp site said that the main issue with access is vandalism to property. The campsite cost £4.00 and had good access. The farmer was very friendly and we had a long talk to him about some of the accidents on the river and the jobs issues of the surrounding area.

A dinner of pasta and tuna in a tomato sauce

Day Two 16/06/11:

Al having a go at poling down a calm part of the river with James taking a short break

Planned to get up at 7.00 am but Al had set his alarm for 7.30 am but we got up at 8.00 naturally and had to rush through cooking and kit prep, but we still managed to get on the river at 9.00 am.  It was a 40Km paddle today with a strong moving current in the morning and slack water with a strong headwind in the afternoon.

A fishermen's rock and  concrete out crop which made paddling harder

An intricate pattern of nesting holes for sand martins 

 We arrived at the campsite at 5:30pm, and at 8:45 two ladies who were canoeing from another campsite we had past late on the first day arrived and we helped them to move their kit and boats off the river and to their pitch. 

A fisher mans hut looking somewhat empty the day before the fishing season started

After a hearty meal of egg fried rice and sweet and sour sauce, we talked to our new found canoeing friends about our expedition and their trip so far. As the sun set on a wonderful warm and sunny evening we decided to go to bed.
The ducks on the second evening next to our tent

Day Three 17/06/11:

We planned to leave at 9.00 am, but it ended up as 9.30 am (and got into campsite 30mins later).  Once we started to launch our boats, Will accidentally let his boat float away and so Al and I  jumped into the boats to catch the runaway boat.  Once on the river it started to rain, and so we had to put our KAGS on.  
Al and James rescuing Wills boat after he let it drift off   

Then the sun came out, I found a fishing hook and fly, for fly fishing and I wanted to hang the hook over the boat but could not because I did not have a fishing licence. Al had his birthday today and was impressed with the cold beans and bread breakfast.

Al doing a bit of gunnel wobbling 

We had a cake stowed for Al's birthday, and had seventeen twigs as candles for celebrating.  The access of the campsite we departed from, had good access via a pontoon and a set of steps. 

Al paddling solo 
Today we camped in a field which was in the grounds of a restaurant with poor access because there were no steps, however we weren't complaining because they didn't charge us for camping there.
Our camp set up on the third evening, which we are very proud.

Day Four 18/06/11:

Thankfully we set off at 9.00 am today, and had porridge with maple syrup for breakfast (we had savedthe best breakfast until last).  Today there was mostly slack water and the river became  very wide, quickly as it meandered along.  

A family of paddlers getting on the river at a activity site on the river
Towards the end of the day when we were approaching the end of our expedition, we noticed a large increase in the amount of tourists using canoes and also the amount of engine powered pleasure boats.  The weather started off poorly but towards the end of the day it became warm and pleasant.

On day four we found a couple of signs that weren't very welcoming to canoeist.
Being very tired in the morning, we still continued, and were spurred on by how close we were to completion, and on the journey home everyone was so exhausted we slept for entire journey back to Shrewsbury where we rapidly cleaned the boats and returned our kit to the CCF stores.

One of the inquisitive animals we met on route 

Writen by James and edited by Al

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